News and Blog

Anixter Testimonials

"With CDH's implementation of Sage Intacct dashboards, our CEO, VP's and Directors now have access to real time data to make more timely, informed decisions."   — Jennifer Johnson, Sr. Director of Financial Reporting & Analysis, Anixter Center

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The Impact of Initial Design

May 18, 2020 There’s a difference between wanting to check your email, Facebook notifications and spending your time well. Years ago business people were addicted to Blackberries, now they are addicted to their iPhone. Today designers need to consider the downstream...

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Going Against the Grain

Joe Ricketts built Ameritrade which merged with Toronto-Dominion and is now TD Ameritrade. Back in the 80’s he was frustrated with the clunky PC’s and floppy disks that customers had to install on their own to process stock orders. So he did something different –...

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Has Your Business Outgrown Narrow AI?

Narrow AI works fine for chess or the game of Go because there are a defined set of rules to follow and multiple game scenarios that can be run to fine tune the best strategies/outcome. The rub comes with general AI where the rules are not so defined. For example, why...

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Gain Real Value with Step Innovation

Most people think of innovation as a ground breaking, disrupting event but in reality there are different types of innovation. Making something better does not require a clean-sheet approach to create – take your current baseline and innovate in steps to get value add...

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Does Your Quote Include the A-Team?

Barry Coyne Universities today don’t want you to know about adjunct professors – no chance of tenure, no benefits, a race to the bottom as colleges try to mitigate teaching costs as they compete for a diminishing student population. Just like choosing the right...

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Upskilling: The New Buzz Word

Lauren Weber, Wall Street Journal wrote a recent article about companies failing to reskill their employees in this age of disruption. Companies can’t assume the “buy, not build” talent strategy because it’s getting more difficult to acquire the necessary skill sets...

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Move to the Cloud with Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct today is a cloud app doing the heavy lifting of mapping transactions to financials so businesses can spend more time analyzing data and making better, faster decisions. Cloud ERP and accounting software represent the beginning of what will transform our...

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