Accounting for Forgivable Loans

Congress established the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to provide relief for small businesses as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES), and there have been a lot of questions and uncertainty around the program.  The AICPA has...

ASC 606 & IFRS 15 – Are You Ready?

Here is an interesting article about the new revenue recognition rule (ASC 606) and accounting software requirements. By Intacct Staff Writer   To start, both private and public companies are facing the biggest accounting change in a decade. The new standard...

ASC606- Revenue Recognition Standards

The biggest accounting standards change since the implementation of the Sarbanes Oxley Act back in 2002 is hitting the accounting profession – a change to the revenue recognition standards. This new standard, known as Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 606-...

Revenue Recognition- Lessons from Public Co Adoption

Revenue Recognition – Bite-Size Education Lessons from Public Company Adoption Lessons from Public Company Adoption: The new Standard often requires companies to obtain new information to meet the accounting and disclosure requirements Even though the effect on...

Is Personal Data Putting Your Business at Risk

Does your business have any type of data privacy program?  If not, it is well past time to put data privacy on the list of corporate priorities. It might help to start by clarifying exactly what is meant when we speak of data privacy.  Data privacy relates to how...

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