It is key to increase customer engagement when upgrading to a new cloud accounting system, like Sage Intacct.

It is important to have a good strategy set before the kick off meeting.  Engaging the customer should be a continuous process from the selling cycle, to implementation, and post support.

Here is a list of points to consider:

  • Types of users: Defining engagement for end users is different than the Controller or CFO.  Customize the engagement based on user role.
    • End users need training on end to end processes to learn how the new system will create efficiencies
    • Management needs to see the creation of dashboards and KPI’s so they can make better decisions.  Sage Intacct dashboards can flex with multiple components: performance cards (KPI’s), graphs, reports, smart links plus filters for each component.
  • Demo early and often: Show the end users how the new system will solve a current roadblock or reduce the number of steps to complete a process. Spend time with the CFO and Controller to make sure KPI’s are clear and show them the ease of creating standard or custom reports and designing the Sage Intacct dashboard.
  • User Homework (assumes Sandbox app is available): get end users to play in the Sandbox or demo system, show them an end to end process and then ask them to replicate a similar set of transactions from start to finish. Make sure top management knows how to create/edit a dashboard and how to add components like KPI’s, reports, graphs, etc so they feel ownership of the dashboard design.
  • Formal checkpoints: Make sure to schedule time during the project to identify what’s working and what needs improvement with the end users and senior management. This is an opportunity to continue adding value and market additional services (customization) if needed.
  • Clarify, Fix and Document: Based on the checkpoint meetings – make the necessary changes, in order to keep the project on track (add resources if necessary) and continue to document the value added for the client – dashboard designs, custom reports, etc to show how the system is generating major insights.

While this list is far from comprehensive, hopefully it captures the key points of customer engagement. Let me know your feedback as multiple inputs improves the process and helps refine the final product.

Sage Intacct is the only ERP/accounting cloud software that is endorsed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. It provides clarity in dashboard design by key role as well as superior flexibility on custom reporting to meet increasingly complex business requirements.

Check out this video to see how Sage Intacct Dashboards can help your business!

Interested in learning more?  Contact Barry Coyne at 630.285.0215 or [email protected].