Navigating the R&D Tax Credit: Internal Use Software

Internal Use Software (IUS) includes software applications, operating systems and related resources used to run a business and serve customers. Many small, midsized and even larger U.S. companies currently do not take advantage of Federal & State tax credits...

The Pros and Cons of Unlimited Paid Time Off (PTO)

Many companies have transitioned to using a single bucket of paid time off (PTO) instead of breaking time off into vacation, sick and personal days. Going beyond this, some companies have enacted unlimited or flexible PTO. Upon hearing of this type of arrangement you...

Is Self-Insuring Your Health Plan Something You Should Consider?

Employers have self-insured their health plans for many years, but historically self-insurance was a solution for large employers only.  Unfortunately, small employers have found themselves battling large healthcare increases with little warning and minimal to no data...

New HMO Solution for Mid-Sized Chicago-land Employers

Consolidation in the health insurance industry over the past decade has resulted in fewer insurers, fewer choices, and higher health insurance premiums.  In the Chicago market, there are only two insurance companies that offer competitively priced HMO plans.  However,...