The Undeniable Power of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is the accumulation, analysis, reporting, budgeting & presentation of your business data. BI can help your business improve operations and your financial position.  Ultimately, when used with software it can help a company with strategic...

The Paradigm Shift That Caught Us By Surprise

Your biggest risk isn’t failure; it’s sustained mediocrity (Wroblewski, 2017). This quote applies today more than ever as disruption is front and center for many businesses. Here are some examples of the paradigm shift, which caught most of us by surprise. Uber –...

CDH Accounting Services Provide On-Demand Expertise

  There are two sides to accounting. On one side there are the routine processes, things like payroll that happen the same way over and over. On the other side are business opportunities that accounting enables, dynamic forces that change constantly. Most...

Your Social Security Payments Reduced!

Be aware of WEP’s impact if you receive a foreign pension   Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) is the one that will reduce your social security (“SS”) payments. When you apply for SS, you will be asked if you are currently receiving a pension from foreign...